Versions & Adaptations
Customized versions of the Fit & Strong! program are available to meet the needs of your program and community!
Customized versions of the Fit & Strong! program are available. Heading link

The Traditional Fit & Strong! Program
Our traditional in-person program has been offered to seniors throughout the country through community organizations.

Fit & Strong! @Home
The same high quality program designed for delivery via the Internet.

Fit & Strong! Plus
A new version of Fit & Strong! that includes a weight management intervention is now available.

Fit & Strong! for the Visually Impaired
This version of the Fit & Strong! program is specially designed for participants who are visually impaired.

¡Fuerte y en Forma!
A new Hispanic version of the Fit & Strong! program is available.

Fit & Strong! Portuguese Version
The Portuguese version of our program enables Portuguese-speaking seniors to participate in our evidence-based program with confidence and enthusiasm.