Funding & Support
Roybal Center for Health Promotion & Behavior Change Heading link

Fit & Strong! was originally developed and tested with funding from the Roybal Center and is a Roybal Center product. The Fit & Strong! web site is funded through the P30 Midwest Roybal Center for Health Promotion & Behavior Change (P30AG022849). This site provides information about Fit & Strong! program and is intended to expand the reach of Fit & Strong! nationally and internationally, and improve adoption and implementation of the program.
The site promotes the program to potential providers, instructors, and participants. The web site describes the development, components, and evidence supporting Fit & Strong!. The site explains how providers can offer the program and illustrates program implementation and instructor training procedures. The web site provides secure links with login for registration, ongoing support, and a database for entry of evaluation and assessment data. The site serves as a mechanism for wide-scale dissemination of Fit & Strong!
- Roybal Center
Funding for Fit & Strong! Heading link
Fit & Strong! had been developed with the support of the following awards and sponsors.
Maximizing the Reach of Fit & Strong! In Illinois (2022-Present)
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA), (33000002K)
Fit & Strong! Online Maintenance Program, Healthy Activity Improves Lives (HAIL) (2020-Present):
National Institute on Aging, Healthy Activity Improves Lives (HAIL), (R21AG067091)
Fit & Strong! Instructor Training Website (2017-2019):
RRF Foundation (formerly Retirement Research Foundation), Expanding the Reach of Fit and Strong Through Enhanced Training, (2017-021)
Fit & Strong! VI, Adaptation for Visually Impaired Adults (2015-2018):
RRF Foundation (formerly Retirement Research Foundation), Adaptation and Implementation of the Fit & Strong! Program, (2015 – 109)
Fit & Strong! Plus Comparative Effectiveness Trial (2012-2018):
National Institute on Aging, Comparative Effectiveness of Customary Fit and Strong! vs. Fit and Strong Plus!, (1R01AG039374)
Illinois Department of Public Health Alzheimer’s Disease Research Fund, Reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias: the impact of Fit & Strong! Plus on cognitive decline, (73292004E)
National Institute on Aging, Midwest Roybal Center for Health Promotion & Behavior Change, (P30AG022849)
Spanish Translation of Fit & Strong!:
RRF Foundation (formerly Retirement Research Foundation), Targeted Translation of Fit and Strong! with Lessons Learned from the Field, (2011-238)
National Institute on Aging, Midwest Roybal Center for Health Promotion & Behavior Change, (AG022849)
Portuguese Translation of Fit & Strong!:
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology doctoral fellowship, (SFRH/BD/111533/2015)
Fit & Strong! Translation and Dissemination Study:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Translating an Evidence-Based Multi-Component Exercise Program, (1R18DP001140)
Arthritis Foundation, Arthritis Foundation Pilot of Fit and Strong!, (DP000607)
Fit & Strong! Effectiveness Trial (2003-2008):
National Institute on Aging, Exercise Adherence Among Older Adults with Osteoarthritis, (R01AG023424)
National Institute on Aging, Midwest Roybal Center for Health Promotion & Behavior Change, (P30AG022849)
National Institute on Aging, Midwest Roybal Center for Health Maintenance, (P50AG15890)
Fit & Strong! Efficacy Trial:
National Institute on Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disease (AR30692)