Recognition & Awards
Fit & Strong! is a top-tier evidence-based program that is recognized and recommended by several key organizations including the CDC, NCOA, and ACL among others. See below for more details.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Heading link
Fit & Strong! CDC Recognition
The CDC Arthritis Program promotes recognized, evidence-based programs that are proven to improve the quality of life of adults with arthritis and helps make them available in communities across the country. Recognized programs are those that have shown improvements in arthritis symptoms, such as pain or limitations in function, and that have some level of support for program oversight and organized, wide-scale delivery.
Fit & Strong! is one CDC’s Physical Activity Lifestyle Management Programs defined as “proven to improve the quality of life of people with arthritis and are generally appropriate for adults of all ages and physical ability levels”.

National Council on Aging Heading link
Fit & Strong! NCOA Recognition
The NCOA recognizes Fit & Strong! as a top tier Falls Prevention and Self-Management Support program.

Administration for Community Living Heading link
Fit & Strong! ACL Recognition
The ACL recognizes Fit & Strong! as a top tier evidence-based program making it eligible for Title III-D funding.
Title III-D provides grants to State agencies on aging under approved State plans to stimulate the development or enhancement of comprehensive and coordinated community-based systems resulting in a continuum of services to older persons with special emphasis on older individuals with the greatest economic social need, with particular attention to low-income minority individuals.

American Physical Therapy Association Heading link
Fit & Strong! APTA Recognition
APTA recognizes F&S! as a group exercise program that combines strength training, aerobic conditioning, and arthritis self-management education to increase physical activity levels, improve cardiovascular fitness, and reduce stress.
To learn more:

National Cancer Institute Heading link
Fit & Strong! is a highly-rated NCI Evidence-Based Cancer Control Program (EBCCP).